Wednesday, March 27, 2013


There are many differences in the two sports.  Football and Baseball.

*There are 9 players on the field.

*The field is in the shape of a diamond almost.

*Some of the equipment used includes a bat,
glove, baseball, and bases.
*There is 22 players one the field 11 for each

*The field is in the shape of a rectangle.

*The equipment used to play includes a helmet, 
shoulder pads, padded pants, a football, and 
a field to play on. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Favorite Picture Editing Web Site

This is a edited picture from my favorite Web Site out of the five I used.  It was by far the easiest to use and the quickest.  I recommend this Web Site for its clarity and stunning tools to help you edit.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Picture editing

This is my first edited picture of  It was a very easy site to use and it took no to little time.
This picture from our school website was edited on the Sumopaint app on  It is set up just like a drawing tool on your computer.
This picture of the Kansas City Royals baseball stadium was edited on  It was a little more difficult to use but once you figure it out its smooth sailing.
This photo for a Kansas City Chiefs football helmet was edited on  It was a very easy website to use all you had to do was upload your picture and start editing.
This is my last picture that I will edit and is was done on  Befunky was another easy one to use all the effects or changes you could make were right there on the left side of the screen in a list.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My Drive

Google drive is a document that is apart of google that alows you to hold your documents, projects, or any other items you have been working on in the drive. 

The main app's of Google drive are Document, Presentation, Form, Drawing, and Spreadsheet.
Document is a app on Google Drive that allows you to type your own paper, excatly like Word.
Presentation is another app on Google Drive that lets you make slides for a slide show for any project you are working on, like Keynote.
Spreadsheet is a app of Google Drive that helps you make your own spreadsheets for your business to figure out sales or pay, or just for a class project, like Numbers.
Form on Google Drive has forms in any type of theme made out so all you have to do is fill in the blanks or add what you want. 
 Drawings is just an old fashion app on Google Drive thats lets you make logos, drawings, or posters really anything you want for your class or business.